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Twin Peaks Concert Review

Written by: Dricelle Rea

The concert was held at the Belly Up Tavern in the cute beach town of Solana Beach. The interior had a very cabin-like feel that made the venue seem cozy and made the performers look like they were doing a gig in your getaway cabin for the holidays. It was my first time going to the Belly Up and loved the vibe it gave for their guests. The gigantic shark with the glowing red eyes above the bar was a great bonus.

The first act was OHMME, which was composed of two leading ladies that caught the ears of potential fans. This was my first time hearing of the duo and they held my attention while playing. Usually, I impatiently wait for the band that I come for in concerts, but I happily enjoyed their set. I appreciated them playing their violin parts from their album so much. Their voices were never overpowering one another and was a smooth balance between the two. Their band was blaring the whole house and seemed the audience was having a fun time listening to the first act and warming up for the next band.

Post Animal was up next and definitely had more known fans, so the crowd exceptionally excited when the band got on stage. I overheard a few voices saying, “Aw man he’s not here, dude.” I assume they were talking about Joe Keery from the TV show “Stranger Things” who sometimes plays guitar in Post Animal when he’s not busy for the show. One man down certainly did not hinder the show that Post Animal gave. They had so much energy for their fans and looked like they were having more fun than the audience. The lighting for the band matched their psychedelic music and was a very nice touch. It seemed like more than half of the crowd sang along to their song “When I get Home” with their heart and soul. Their fans seemed happy and satisfied with their set and gave them a gracious farewell with yelling and deep clapping. Finally, the crowd is getting bigger while the fans all pile in for the awaited guests, Twin Peaks.

Everyone cheered when the boys got on stage and were so excited to see them finally ready to play. The eager San Diegan fans were giving the band a warm welcome from drunk screams to loud cheering. As a fan of Twin Peaks, I thought the band gave a great balance to their set list of old favorites and new music from their newly released album Lookout Low. The crowd was all close together from the floor looking full even when there were people along the sides in the seating areas. The venue was very packed. The stage was a bit lower than other venues and made the vibe feel intimate for the fans and the band. The boys played “Wanted You”, which is a personal favorite. Clay and Cadien gave it their all while singing one of their heart-pouring songs.

The Chicago-based band looked happy to be on stage and were always acknowledging their fans. The crowd went nuts when they played “Making Breakfast” and all sang (yelled) along. All the members looked so passionate playing their instruments and were having an incredible time to be playing along with their friends. The newly released song, “Spiders” was performed and received positive feedback from the crowd. The boys gave it their all and did not disappoint. They did an encore for the crowd after the chanting grew louder for them to come back. All and all, Twin Peaks gave an amazing show for their dedicated fans to remember and a great night out.